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For once to Hell and back during the clanging
Chattering ring of the alarm
A journey spent between the start of a lightening dawn
Breaking into a wakening sleep unfinished and undreamt
Except for the seconds between the first chime that disturbed
Until the next few that spelt their returning pattern in my brain
For a new working day
The option not to
Not really there
But there as a thought to be swept away and fought against
The first chimes like a mall stone in a pond
Rippling along but too soft to reach the banks and return
Lost in the other ripples thrown by the wind,
Or birds dipping for a sip,
The later clattering vibrating on the bank of must get up
The first sweep of cold on the warm leg
The first meet with the rest of the day
To be continued.

Ezra Ben-Meir,  #292, Nov. 1987
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